Thursday, 25 May 2017

How to Reduce inflammation

One thing that actually causes a lot of health risks in many people is inflammation. Chronic inflammation actually can damage the body, and make us prone to a lot of health conditions we don’t want, such as heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and even various cancers. These effects can often be quite problematic, but the best way to do so is to change your lifestyle, for it can help you in a quick fashion.

Now, the major culprits of this are sugars, processed foods that you eat, any refined grains, dairy, grain feed meats and farm raised fish. These fatty acids often are out of ratio in your diet, and often this cause inflammation. You have two fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6. Omega 3 is what you want, but often, many people eat way too much omega 6, and this in turn will cause inflammation. The ratio should be 1:1 for the best health possible, and the meats that are raised on these grains are often riddled with omega 6 instead of omega 3 fatty acids. It’s definitely not what you should be focusing on. Also, along with that, polyunsaturated vegetable oils are also very inflammatory as well, since there is an imbalance of omega 3 and omega 6. Omega 6 fatty acids are often found in many vegetable oils, along with canola and corn, and these will cause inflammation. If you’re going to use oils, you should try to use more fish oils, or olive oil in order to create an anti-inflammatory diet.

Now, there are a few things that you can eat to help change this. For starters, start to have fish and olive oil, beans, and nuts, and often, this is considered a Mediterranean-style sort of diet. You should try to avoid a lot of the processed foods that you typically might have, along with sugar, alcohol, any foods that are high on the glycemic index, trans fats, and dairy products.

As a word on fats, fats are not always bad. Typically, unsaturated fats are what you want to go for, and they are definitely pretty good for you. However, various saturated fats need to be considered when you’re looking to change your diet. Processed saturated fats like meats and such that you might have on a sandwich, are often not that good for you. However, avocadoes are ones that you should consider eating, because while it does have saturated fat, it isn’t bad saturated fats. Coconut is another very good one to have. Fats are what keep you filled up when you’re trying to eat well, and they should be considered in your diet.

Often, people will consider having those “low fat” foods as well, but those are actually terrible, and they contribute to the inflammation. They are riddled with carbs, which in turn will trigger these acids, and that will cause further inflammation. Do be smart about making sure that you’re eating foods high in fat, not high in carbs.

Now, you should also consider all other habits that you might have. If you’re obese, suffer from poor sleep, stress, and other factors, it’s important to talk to your Roseburg dentist about how these might be affecting your oral health. However, it can also be hurting your physical health as well. These all cause inflammation, and this will increase the free radicals along with cortisol, which in turn will create chronic inflammatory conditions, which is something you should be watching as you continue on with your lifestyle changes. It’s best to quit any of these bad habits, and work to change what you do for yourself.

Your health is at risk with this, and not just orally, but overall in terms of you bodily health. If you need more information on how you’re being affected by this, do talk to your Roseburg dentist about this. They’ll be able to tell you how toxic your body is, and how it’s affecting your overall health and wellness. Being smart about this, making sure that you take care of any and all problems associated with this, can help you lead a much better, healthier life, and you’ll be less toxic as a result. 

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